Thursday, November 6, 2014

Boys, Carpet, Halloween, Girl

It's been a while since I updated about the kids and since the grandparents will soon figure out how to leave comments and start threatening nasty things, I figure I'd better update them. And you.

When the basement got wet in various parts earlier this fall, we decided to replace all the carpet down there. Since the carpet and all the furniture was out, it was a good time to repaint Audrey's room. The boys couldn't wait to help. This was their idea.
 I repainted it on Monday and Tuesday after my race. I could work for about an hour and half and then would have to go rest for a while. I got it done and now it's a very light blue with no trees or woodsmen.

We've been living make-shift for the last two months. Ben and Audrey have slept on their mattresses on the floor during that time. When the carpet was installed over two days last week, they moved out to the camper which was still parked in the driveway. Our garage, upstairs and especially Luke's room became the depository for all the basement stuff. I tucked Luke in, I believe, in the giant beanbag which is Ben's and this is how I found him the next morning. Bed on the left. Giant beanbag on the right. Every time I find him not in his bed, it reminds me of this picture. He'd probably be a good Survivor candidate- can sleep anywhere. 

Ben received his birthday present from his Aunt Beth. Its a KTM hat. Never mind that he already has one, this one is different. Notice the smile. Classic Ben. Want to see him smile? Talk bikes with him and give him something orange, preferably with KTM emblazoned on it.

Halloween night brings many, many kids to our street. We have a really good street for trick-or-treating. Audrey and I decided to see how many Ana's and Elsa's would come to our door. Then Audrey started adding to the list. The piece d'resistance was a little cowboy riding a stuffed horse. Oh my word! He melted our hearts faster than Olaf!

Luke decided to dress up as a BMX rider which was great because we already had a helmet and pads. I don't have any pictures of him. I don't feel too bad because I have plenty of him in the same gear. We let him go up and down our street by himself. Wow! 
Ben had a couple of friends over. They don't go door to door until later when they play clean-up. During the main part of the evening they love to play jokes on the kids who visit our door and scare them. This year two of them hid in the bushes and blew duck calls, while the other stood in the nook next to our door with a mask on and blew another duck call. The whole thing was funny. They had so much fun and the kids got scared. Word on the street was that we were the house "that scared the crap out of you" (their quote). 

I was looking through my latest pictures and noticed I didn't have any of Audrey. But here is one she took of us after my race and tweeted it out. She's still being a busy junior. She had all-state auditions the day before and marching band earlier in the week, along with speech and play practice, plus school. We see her occasionally. 

There we go. A little glimpse into life going on around here. Go ahead and leave a comment if you still wish, just no threatening ones. Have a good day!