Thursday, April 11, 2019

No Earbuds Week 5

Day 29: I spent this rest day buddying up with the foam roller and doing an extended yoga session. 

Day 30: I am so stoked that this training block has a day specifically for strength training. You know I continually refer to my wee arms so by no means will I be bulking up but I will be hitting the core strength hard and adding in weights to build and balance me out. My body responds better with some weight-training added. I started my session with a 10 minute row. Some of you may recall I had a not-so-great experience the last time I tried to use a rowing machine and have avoided it ever since. But after reading Boys in the Boat, I was motivated to get back on it and have had success so far. It could easily become my favorite workout machine beside the treadmill because it is so body complete.

Day 31: The red-winged blackbirds are out but have not started nesting yet so thankfully they only squawk from the branches instead of flying with an overhead attack. The sheep at the farm north of town are ready to lamb so I stopped in the middle of a timed mile to take a picture. 
Loving this v-ewe for as long as I can
Day 32: It was an early start for the three of us. 6:00 AM at this time of year still requires a headlamp for almost an hour. A few neighbors had stirred but for the most part it was us running in the dark talking about everything but mostly about puppies. Melinda has had her puppy for a couple of weeks and Julia was going to pick hers up later that morning, hence the early start. 

So early we're delirious 
Day 33: Off day of running but when for a walk with Kristy and took Kaci along. Kristy and I talked at length about community. She and her family are moving in June and my heart can hardly handle it. She knows what she'll be looking for in their new place. I'm learning to listen for what I need in community, fellowship.

Kaci says Kristy's neighborhood has good dogs.
Day 34: I spent most of this run thinking about the egg salad wrap I had eaten for lunch that did not sit well with me. I like egg salad. What I don't like are wraps. I've tried. I think they are a bad pitch for a sandwich plus you don't get as much sandwich filling as you think. Get a sandwich with bread or no bread at all. It was also almost 80 degrees with 20 mph headwinds for most of my run and I became overheated, dehydrated and sunburned in 6 miles. Today was not a good day but I didn't quit.

Day 35: Bill was headed to Cambridge again to ride so I snagged a ride with him again to run the same trail I kind of don't love again. Compared to yesterday, it was barely 60 degrees, overcast and only a slight breeze and I took water with me.


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