Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Sole Hope, 2014

I recently discovered that I've gone through four pairs of running shoes in the past year. It came as a shock to me, really. I guess it is like tires on a dirt bike (they go through a lot) or or charging cords/earbuds on a teenager (she goes through a lot). All that being said, I am grateful my feet are healthy to run and that I have shoes to protect them when I run.

In November my friend Kate hosted another Sole Hope shoe cutting party. You may recall that she did this last year and how enthusiastic I was about the organization and their mission. I've spent the last year following them through social media (all links below) and continue to be impressed with them.

A few weeks later Kate took her Sole Hope party on the road to our church. 

Here are a few high school boys and a mom tracing and cutting. Girls- be on the lookout for guys like these. 

See? The woman in the striped shirt found an awesome guy! And little Bre is not going to let her age stop her from helping.

I don't know these people from our church but they make my heart burst with happiness!

Because so very little is needed to put on a shoe cutting party and the actual job is so easy, it is the perfect thing to do while chatting and sharing life. In other words, this provides both face to face and side by side interactions. 

These girls went from table to table picking up the cut out pieces, tossing scraps, and in general being great helpers and obviously super cute. (So sorry for the blurriness.)

I ended up working at the table where we took all the individual pieces and pinned them together into completed sets of a pair of shoes. 

I followed up with Kate recently and she told me that between the Saturday morning gathering, the Wednesday night gathering and a few other random times, she will be sending over 120 pairs to be sewn! 240 shoes!! WOW!!!

Here are all the links

Sole Hope Organization -Here you can find all the information about the organization, their mission, how to contribute and more.

Sole Hope Store -Just in case you want to do some shopping and own or give some Sole Hope items, it's all here. Buy a shirt (me + the baseball tee = gonna happen), sandals, water bottles or even baby shoes.

If you are on the social media outlets, follow them to see what life looks like day to day, to be encouraged and spurred on and to use it as a reminder to pray for them. (I feel like they do not use their photos to exploit the people they are serving which is awesome!)

Instagram - They are on here under Sole Hope.

I know I speak for Kate as well, I'm so thankful for all the hearts and hands and worn out jeans and empty milk jugs!!


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