Wednesday, March 13, 2013

More Haircuts

I gave my own boys haircuts last night. 

I don't have anything brilliant to say about them. In fact, you will never find a tutorial on how to cut boys' hair on here. Ever.

I cued up "How It's Made" on Netflix for Luke. He LOVED it. Figuring out how stuff is put together and functions is so his thing. "How It's Made" is slightly monotone from an entertainment perspective, unless you're into it. And since Luke is, he never noticed. 

Ben watched "Dirty Jobs". Mike Rowe is much more entertaining than the voice on "How It's Made". 

We've already seen all the "Mythbuster" episodes on Netflix. We, especially Luke, know all the of the cast and the Alameda Bomb Range is on our boys' list of places to visit before they die, I think. I have got to say, there isn't much that can top watching a cement truck being blown to bits for my boys, including Bill. 

That's the kind of stuff we watch these days. I have no idea what is on PBS anymore. 

So, in summary, I basically used the platform of my boys getting haircuts last night to tell you what we watch on Netflix.

I know. It's this kind of brilliant writing that makes you come back day after day. 


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