Monday, August 9, 2010

Travel Sunday

We packed up our things Sunday, said our good-byes, and took off for the North Shore of Lake Superior. We decided to take the scenic route and drove through the Superior National Forest. At one point, we followed what we thought was the right road, but it ended up being this gravel road. IN THE FOREST! I quietly panicked to myself and started rationing the water since the only vehicle we saw was one going out. The kids could only eat half of their Skittles since we might need those later on when we can't kill a moose with our bare hands. What kept my faith alive is that every once in a while we saw an actual road sign. Finally after a good long washboard drive through the forest, we saw the real road. So I told Bill to stop the car (and I silently thanked God) and I took a picture of them.

Then we got back in, got on the real road and found Silver Bay. There’s a scenic outlook you can drive up to. Once we got up there, Luke said “Hey! We’re on the roof!” 

We ate at a nice restaurant for supper, played in the pool at the hotel and I got caught up on my Food Network shows. I did! We don’t have cable anymore and that’s the only thing I kind of miss. So that’s what I watched. (ok- I’ll admit, I actually did jump on the hotel bed in excitement once) I’m good now.

1 comment:

  1. At least you found the right road. Before kids, Tia and I were on a dirt mountain road in CO when it started raining. The road became so slick that we couldn't even turn around! We ended up spending the night in the back of the 4-runner.


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