Sunday, November 14, 2010

Never Fade

There are times here at home, especially, when I wish I could somehow capture them on film.

Times like when I played football with the boys last Sunday when the weather was absolutely too gorgeous for November. The boys were having a great time trying to catch the ball and they would slide every single time in the grass when grabbing the ball. Their smiles were big!
Times like this afternoon when the buzz in the house consisted of two boys playing together, 1 girl playing the piano and another reading on the couch. 
Times like tonight when I return home from small group to find a note that details the score of marathon of card games between the girls.
Times like when Bill comes home and the kids rush to hug him. No picture would ever do justice.
Times when the girls laugh over the same thing. I savor every moment when this happens.
Times like in the morning when boys come crawling into my lap. I'll hold them as long as I can, for soon they will be much too big for me.

These are the pictures in my mind I never want to fade.  

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