Tuesday, October 4, 2011

FAFINMB Fundraiser Update

That’s short for: For A Friend I’ve Never Met Before

So, I popped in at Tamara’s blog to see how things are going with her fundraisers. Apparently awesome!! Some dear, generous person bought a lot o’puzzle pieces! Wow!

As I poked around, I realized I couldn’t figure out how to donate besides buying the t-shirts and necklaces. What if we wanted to give cash? So I asked Tamara and here’s what she said: 1) to donate directly to her travel expenses write a check to FOVC and mail it to her at 5998 Harding Rd. Elgin, IA 52141 or 2) continue to buy puzzle pieces, 3 at a time for $21 where $14 goes to the Feed Hope famine relief project and $7 goes to her travel expenses.

So let’s keep it up and super thanks for helping Tamara out.



1 comment:

  1. I LOVED the puzzle idea as well! And I wrote about Tamara today too. Love how God arranges that :D.


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