Monday, May 9, 2011

A Look at Mother’s Day

I have been thinking about my Mother’s Day all morning long as I read through other blogger’s accounts of their day, their mothers they honor with words; gifts bestowed upon them. I wanted to say a bit more. My thoughts are a blend of reading One Thousand Gifts, unreal expectations, ungratefully received gifts, and life experience.

Moms want a day that magical. A day that’s perfect. You are allowed to sleep in until the aroma of a lovely breakfast and perfectly brewed hot coffee awakens you from slumber. Afterward, you are allowed to bathe and dress in privacy (for the entire time), immerging from your bedroom all aglow, ready to receive other innumerous gifts throughout the day. You will relax as your children play quietly and harmoniously at your feet while you recount stories and moral lessons to them and they attentively listen. You don’t dare lift a finger for meals or dishes or any other task for the day. This day is yours, dearest Mother. Rest yourself.

blah, blah, blegh!

I’ve been a Mom twelve years now and never once has this happened! My first Mother’s Day I had a terrible sinus infection and in my pictures with little Audrey I look horrible. But more than that, I’ve often blown all the little things that were given to me as tokens of love, affection and thoughtfulness because I had expectations.

What I didn’t tell you about was that there was arguing about who sat where for breakfast, complaining because so and so got a watch, but they didn’t, impatience because a birdfeeder wasn’t going up fast enough, church pants tucked inside of cowboy boots instead of being worn on the outside (fine if you are Dwight Yoakam, but we ain’t), chores done grudgingly, bad attitudes, no coffee ice cream, etc. That was part of my day!!!

Actually that’s a part of my day everyday! I could have ruined it. I could have sulked. I could have. I have done it before. I didn’t this time. I took away my expectations and I gave thanks all day long (even in the midst of almost grounding a child for the rest of their life!).  

And guess what? I still felt loved! The whole day! These are my kids. This is what kids do. This is what makes me a mom. Not just on one day in May, but every day, I just remembered especially today. I’m Mom and I am loved!  



  1. Thanks for being real. I brought home tons of laundry from college that had been piling up during finals week and my mom spent part of her mother's day washing and folding it. Mom's are so great for sacrificing so much for their kids. I feel God's love directly through my mama.

  2. Amen! Our day started great with church and helping and a buffet lunch. Then one got the flu... But wished me Happy Mother's Day in his wonderful, sarcastic teenage way, knowing that this was not the plan. :)

  3. I know what you mean!! It is hard to realize that no matter what our kids love us, and more than just for the 1 day!


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