Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Stuff for Blessing

Soon I'm going to share the details of a super fun getaway Bill and I had. It was full of good stuff! (If you follow me on Instagram- Mindy W- you already know.)

But today's post hijacks that one.

A trip with two girls to Target. We pulled onto the road between Target and Wal-Mart and there stands a woman with a cardboard sign.
I know what that means and so do you.

Of all seven things I did for The Happy Day Project , the blessing bag one has resonated with me the most. In fact, I could more honestly say, it haunts me. Not in a scary ghost way, but in a "I can do something for that person" kind of way.

I didn't stop this time because I couldn't remember if I had a blessing bag to give her. I pulled into the Target parking lot and sure enough, I had one stashed under the seat. I took a quick assessment of what was in it and made a mental list of things to look for while shopping to add to it.

Here's what it looks like...

I had a bit of time to cruise around Target and wandered into sock section. Oh, looky here! Red tag clearance stickers! and these were super cute!! And Operation Christmas Child is coming up, too!!! AND they had 6-packs of regular white socks on sale, also!!!! 

I also hit the clearance section in the beauty department. Often they will have useful things marked down. Score- small bottles of hand sanitizer.

Today I also picked up a hat and some knit gloves because the overnight temperatures have been dipping down below 40 lately. Brrr!

The real bummer is that by the time we drove past the corner again, she was gone. But now I know I've got a bag ready to go.

Please keep reading the rest of this week here. I'm excited to share more about these blessing bags and how they are not just for the homeless!


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