Saturday, May 22, 2010

Piano Recital

A couple of weeks ago was my piano studio's spring recital.  All 18 of my students played. Each played at least two pieces from memory. I had three students perform original compositions and there was one duet involving a student, a teacher and two sombrero hats! I would like to say we had fun, but most of my students would not say the recital is fun :)
Ben and Audrey both played and I have included part of Audrey's performance.

I'm so proud of all my students for their playing. There are only a few experiences in life like a piano recital. Where you have only one shot to get it right, to go for perfection without any direct coaching in the process. It is huge! When they sit at the piano to play, even though I'm close by, I can't say to them "Okay, get louder here. More! More! Slow down. Listen." etc. They have to do it all themselves. And when they don't quite get it right, they have to learn how to handle themselves through it. It's big.
I'm proud of them. Did I already say that? I know. Afterwards, I got up to talk but couldn't because I was crying. It took me a while to get my composure. The students, however, were hoping I'd hurry up and get done because there was cake and ice cream waiting for them!!

And look at this cake!! My friend, Kristin, made this cake for me! It officially goes down in the history books as the coolest piano recital cake ever! It also tasted great.
I'd show a picture of my entire piano studio, but I don't have permission from the parents, so I can't. I will share with you the quote I read, but mostly cried through, to the audience at the recital and I think it aptly sums up how I feel about my students.
"You will be a musician when not only your hands but also your heart and mind are full of music." Robert Schumann


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